Shortly after posting a set of photos I took at the 2018 Hamvention, I received a number of reader inquiries regarding one particular radio: The Mission RGO ONE.
I found this cool tabletop transceiver in the flea market area of the Hamvention early Saturday morning and included it with my inside exhibits photos. I wasn’t able to gather a lot of information from the representative at the time because the Hamvention staff opened the gates to general admission a full 30 minutes early, so I had to make a sprint to my table at the other side of the fairgrounds.
The following specifications/features were listed on the RGO ONE product sheet:
- QRP/QRO output 5 – 50W
- All mode shortwave operation – coverage of the 9 HAM HF bands (160m optional)
- High dynamic range receiver design including high IP3 monolithic IC in the front end and H-mode first mixer
- Low phase noise first LO – SI570 chip
- Full/semi QSK on CW; VOX operation on SSB.
- Down conversion superhet topology with 9MHz IF
- Custom made crystal filters for SSB and CW and variable crystal 4 pole filter – Johnson type
- Stylish and professional look
- Compact and lightweight body
- Multicolor FSTN LCD
- Silent operation with no clicking relays inside
- Modular construction – Mother board serves as a “chassis” also fits all the external connectors, daughter boards, inter-connections and acts as a cable harness.
- Optional modules – NB, AF, ATU, XVRTER
- PC control via CAT protocol; USB FTDI chip
- Memory morse code keyer (Curtis A, CMOS B)
- Contest and DXpedition conveniences
For even more detail, I recently contacted the rig’s developer, Boris Sapundzhiev (LZ2JR), who kindly answered all of my questions.
Boris replied:
Hello Thomas,
Thanks a lot for your message and interest about our new homebrew project that we called RGO ONE. Here you can find more about the radio:
There are clickable highlights on the text which lead to a schematic diagram for each module so you can have a look if you like. Final documents and last revision of schematics will be available soon.
The idea of this project was inspired of an old TEN-TEC radios with 9MHz IF – their perfect analogue design and crystal crisp audio both CW and sideband. Mine have two very old TEN-TEC ARGOSY 525D and several moreTEN-TEC equipments. So with the help of the new electronic components available on the market we realize this old concept…
We’ve been working hard for almost three years to see what you saw at Dayton flea market table. A real performing HF 50W CW/SSB transceiver. We are 4 people in the team.. Other team mates are very good in industrial electronics manufacturing and helping very much with electronic PCB design, parts delivery, microprocessors and other things.
The idea of the front panel and other constructions design is mine .. I literally drew it in a couple of hours then our CAD designer put it in AUTOCAD/INVENTOR 3D design software.
LCD we made in China and already stocked plenty of LCD and backlight units. Front panel is made by means of plastic mold method:
So far we got two samples that we tested already in real conditions and made several contest (LZ2RS helped with this task).
You can seek for video clips on YouTube (my channel) to see how it works.
Click here to view on YouTube.
I am back in Bulgaria now and today we had a team meeting so it is decided to start first lot 10pcs which will be completely ready to run. The time range of this is somewhere next two months. Then next lot will be 100 units probably some of them or most of them will be in a kit form with ready populated SMD small foot print components.
At the show in Dayton we revealed our target price for the base version – $450-$550. Hope to keep it as promised but final price will be available when first units come to alive.
First units will ship from Bulgaria, then we will try to stock more units in US.This is briefly about our intentions of the project. A lot of interest, expectations and positive “WOW” feedbacks received so this urge me to go fast forward.
73, GL
Thank you for the detailed reply, Boris! I will certainly follow this project with interest and post updates (readers: bookmark the tag RGO ONE).
I love the size of the RGO ONE and the fact it’s capable of a full 50 watts out in such a portable form factor. The front panel is very attractive, ergonomic and the backlit LCD screen is quite easy to read at any angle.
Boris, if you manage to hit your target price of $550 or less, you’ll no doubt sell these by the hundreds! I’ll be watching this project with interest.
How much and where?
This radio is done in small production runs. Here’s a link to what I believe is the latest:
Michele iw3smr, I’m waiting for this rtx. Many thanks.
For those who are interrested in…
Hello Boris,
I am very interested to order an RGO-ONE. Let me know, if this will be possible
73 de Klaus DM4TJ
Where can I pick one up at?
Please update us. The Philippines Dept of Science and Technology wants to buy 4 RGO ONE transceivers. My email address is 73 WA6LOS/DU3ZX
Hello, I am a beginner ham radio, I live in Armenia and I want to receive a call sign from us. Tell me how much will it cost to build your design? I’ll take a little to collect money and buy it. It will be difficult for us to assemble your design. I will be hoping for you! Thank you in advance!